
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Guest Blogger - No Guilt! by Hillbilly Handiworks

Howdy! (That's Hillbilly talk for Hello *grin*). 

I am Tonya from Hillbilly Handiworks.
When first invited by April to be a guest blogger,
I thought that I would do a post about my unconventional (but very creative) way of storing fabric.
Two pictures ought to do that for you:

To read more about it, you may visit HERE.

Since that was quick and easy,
and since this blog is for a wide variety of creative people,
I thought I would share the words of one of my most popular posts.
I hope it encourages you too!

Do you ever feel guilty for using your creative talents?
I do. This is something that I really struggle with.
I feel like if I am sewing,
then I am not giving my husband his time,
or my boys their time.
There is always cleaning that could be done instead.
EVERY SINGLE DAY, without fail, I go through a battle.

I plan to head to my sewing room on certain evenings (Mon, Tue, and Thurs).
During the day I get so excited at the prospect of getting some projects worked on.
Then by comes the guilt.

I was reading a homeschool magazine a while back,
and they had great article about guilt.
I jotted a few notes that I expanded upon and want to share with you.
(Just to give credit where credit is due,
the article was written by Deborah Wuchler, The Old Schoolhouse, Spring 2010).

Basically Deborah says all of our guilty feelings stem from one thing:
We expect things of ourselves.
We have a list of things that we feel others expect of us.
And all those expectations add up to guilt.

Some areas that are common for personal struggle are:
  1. "I am not doing it the right way". It's ok to do it YOUR way. You don't have to do what everyone else in blog land is doing. Or how the pattern says to. Try it your  way. Make it work for YOU. 
  2. "My work is not adequate enough." For who? Break away from the quilt police, or knitting police, or painting police,or jewelry police, or... Give yourself a chance to nurture your talent and to learn from it. I have really been doing that over the past year. 
  3. "I can't do it all!". My house needs cleaned, I need to plan school, I need to sew this and that charity quilt, I need to sew things my family wants, I need to sew things to sell to relieve the stress on my husband, I need to have Husband and Me time, I need to find time alone with each child, I need to...STOP! Don't let yourself get overwhelmed by all that life has for you to do. I really badly struggle in this area. I think most of my personal guilt comes from this point alone. While each of these things are important, they can't all be done in a day. 
I could go on here, but you get the idea.
 Don't let your expectations take away your joy! 

Does anyone else struggle with guilt? 

Thank you April for having me. 
Please, pop on over for a visit and say hello!


  1. Thanks for allowing me to be a guest!

  2. What a great post! I suffer from guilt as well. Thanks for sharing this insight!

  3. Congrats on being a guest blogger here!

    I know exactly what you mean about feeling guilty ... I struggle every day, being my own boss as a quilter, that sometimes I forget about me time. I feel so much better when I take a break and sew on my stuff! or when I take a break and relax with my family.

    I love your fabric storing method! Thanks for sharing! Great idea!

  4. This is a big one for me, I often feel guilty for taking some time. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Hi Tonya! Great post. I always feel guilty about something, especially taking the time to create when I know there are so many other things that need to be done, like cleaning and laundry. Glad to see others feel the same. Your fabric storing method looks cool. Going to go check that out!

  6. you hit the "nail on the head"...for me! Thanks, Tonya! And...thanks Kool Beenz, for inviting such a great guest! =0)


  7. Congrats on being a guest poster! This is great - I think we all struggle with this. We just need to confirm with ourselves that we really DO need "me" be the best moms, wives, friends we can be! Great job, girlfriend!
    Jacque in SC

  8. Hi Tonya - love your TP system. I don't have the 'guilt to quilt' but then I am retired and live alone. I use the 10-15 minute clean time as you pass thru a room - if things get beyond, I hire a cleaner to do a 'full' clean.

  9. This is a great post! Practical solutions and realistic advice. The part that resonated with me was the reference to the "quilt police". I'm more of a crafter and have been intimidated by quilting thinking that it wouldn't be good enough. Thanks for the reminder that it's ok just to have some fun.

  10. Hey Tonya, great post. Others think so too!

  11. Very cute post Tonya. Great storage idea.


  12. Love your post and how you sort your fabric. My is in plastic grocery bags and spread out on the floor. its a challenge just for me to match fabric right now. hope to be more organized soon.


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